Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy aims to help you understand how Care & Repair Leeds collect, use and protect your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

What is personal data?
Personal data is information about a living person that means that we can work out who they are such as name, address, telephone number, date of birth, bank details, etc.  This can include written letters, emails, photographs, audio recordings and video recordings.

Some data is called ‘special category data’, which is more sensitive and we have to look after it more carefully.  This includes details of ethnic origin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and health data.

What information we collect and why:
We collect your personal data as part of providing our services to you.  Information you give to us by any method, will only be used by us to provide our services to you and enable the third parties we work with to provide services to you in support of our service.

Examples of information we collect:

  • Personal Data in order to carry out the service you requested: Name, address, phone number, email address or other contact details, date of birth.
  • Sensitive Data to check eligibility to access services: income and benefits, health conditions, GP surgery.
  • ‘Special Category Data’ to fulfil our commissioners’ requirements and ensure equality of access to our services:
  • Transaction details for payment processing. We use a secure, trusted online payment processor which is PCI compliant, in order to securely take and manage payments.  We will securely collect and store your payment card information in a fire resistant and locked safe.
  • Photos of your property if you are having major works carried out such as a disabled adaptation, as evidence that the work is to the required standard.

When we collect information:
We will ask for your data when you first contact us to ask for one of our services.  If your details change during the course of our service, please let us know so we can amend our records.

We may also accept information about you from third parties referring into our service on your behalf, for example Occupational Therapists or Physiotherapists, or family members / carers.  We rely on third parties having obtained your consent to be referred to us before we get involved.

What we use your data for:
We use your data for managing and fulfilling our services to you.

Information that we share with our commissioners and partner organisations will only be the information that is strictly necessary in order to provide the service or funding that you requested or to report on the service.

Our services are tailored to individual circumstances, and if you receive a home visit, you will be asked to sign our ‘Client Summary’ form giving your consent for us to share your data with the organisations detailed on the form to enable the services you require to be provided.  You may amend your information and choice of services at any time.

We also work with our trusted contractors (external to Care & Repair) on your behalf, and we need to pass certain contact and works information to these contractors for the purpose of obtaining quotes and getting work done in your property.

We will only contact you with regard to carrying out our services or evaluating our services.  We send out Client Feedback Forms to everyone who has received a service.  Where concerns are raised on the feedback comments, we will contact you to discuss.  Feedback responses are anonymised, and no individual can be identified, when reporting levels of satisfaction with our services. We may use anonymised quotes from the feedback forms or letters of thanks we receive to promote our services. We do not sell information and we do not send marketing communications.

How long we keep your information for:
Your information is held securely on an electronic system and / or in locked cabinets.  For most of our services we retain your data for no longer than 2 years.  If you have had major construction works carried out involving design and plans, these records are kept for 7 years.  Financial records are kept for 6 years from the end of the financial year they relate to, in line with industry standards.

What data our website collects automatically:
When you visit our website, you will have the choice of accepting or declining cookies.  We use cookies to automatically collect web visitor information, both from the website and also third party applications, like Google Analytics.  This information helps us track and analyse our web visitors, and may contain information such as your browser type, IP address, which pages you visit, or which buttons you click on across our website.  For more information, see our Cookie Policy by clicking on the ‘Privacy’ button at the bottom of the website page.

What information you can choose to provide to our website:
If you use our contact form, please only provide the information that is necessary in order for us to reply to your enquiry.  Never put confidential information like date of birth into the contact form.

Our ‘partners’ page provides links to other websites for your information, but we have no control over these websites.  We recommend that you check the privacy policies of any third party website which you navigate to before you submit any personal data to these websites.  We do not accept any responsibility or liability for third party privacy policies.

How you can manage, amend or delete your information:
Any information that we collect is stored and processed under our Data Protection Policy, in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation.

You may request a copy of the data we hold about you by making a subject access request.  You can ask us to amend, update, delete any information we hold about you, or withdraw consent.  Where you ask us to delete information or you withdraw your consent, this may mean that we can no longer provide any service that we are currently providing to you.

How to contact us:

Post:    Care & Repair Leeds, 323 Roundhay Road, Leeds LS8 4HT
Tel:      0113 240 6009

Website Contact Form: