Care & Repair is looking for two new Trustees to expand their existing team of dedicated and essential, Board members, to bring new and diverse experience to the organisation. Read More
Details of jobs & opportunities currently available at Care & Repair Leeds.
Care & Repair Leeds aims to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race (including colour, nationality, ethnicity or national origins), religion or beliefs, disability, age, gender, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, sexual preference or pregnancy or maternity. The selection criteria and procedures aim to ensure that individuals are treated based on their relevant merits and abilities.
We are recruiting new Members to the Board of Care & Repair Leeds due to the retirement of some of the existing members and the need to increase and widen the skill base of the Board.
If you are interested, please apply using the form.
Care and Repair Leeds
323 Roundhay Road