Care & Repair is an award-winning Home Improvement Agency with charitable status, which works mainly within the city of Leeds. The organisation is highly regarded for providing a range of services tailored for older and/or disabled residents and for people of all ages who are living with long term health conditions. These services support our clients to remain living independently in their own homes.
Care & Repair is looking for two new Trustees to expand their existing team of dedicated and essential, Board members, to bring new and diverse experience to the organisation.
Care & Repair has recently recruited a new CEO, who is driving the charity forward at pace, and, along with requiring a full governance review, entering a worldwide pandemic, and ensuring the charity is equipped to realise its ambitions and potential, these positions are vital to ensure Care & Repair ultimately prospers and grows to continue its essential support to the most vulnerable members of our society.
As Care & Repair is a social enterprise with charitable status, our Board of ten Trustees work on the governance and approve the strategic direction, with day-to-day management delegated to the Senior Leadership Team which comprises of the CEO and Finance, Service Delivery, and Technical, along with 21 dedicated members of our staff team plus a committed and engaged team of volunteers.
Our current Board meet quarterly, both face to face and using virtual platforms. There is also one permanent sub-committee, which meets eight times per year to discuss strategy and finance, and small committees are formed on an ad hoc basis. These sub-committees usually consist of three or four Trustee representatives only.
These Trustee roles are voluntary, but expenses incurred during the course of these duties as a Trustee, may be claimed back.
The role of the Board is to:
- Ensure that Care & Repair complies with its governing rules, charity law, company law, and any other relevant legislation and regulations
- Ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing documents
- Give firm strategic direction to the organisation by setting overall policy, defining goals, and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
- Safeguard the excellent name, reputation, and values of the organisation.
- Ensure the effective and efficient administration and financial stability of the organisation
Your role:
- To challenge and assist in moving the strategy forward
- To support the CEO and senior leadership team to form decisive and resilient plans
We have identified some specific skills and experience which we think would enhance the diversity of our Board even further. Those being:
- Experience of the charitable/third sector
- Marketing
- Fundraising/Sponsorship
- IT/Digital
Experience of governance is not essential, as we are committed to providing a full and appropriate induction.
We are keen to hear from any individual who feel they can meet the specific criteria and could thereby contribute to our rationale, resilience, and future success.