Falls Prevention


Supporting people to regain confidence within and outside of the home

Our Falls Prevention service provides practical support to reduce the risk of falls in the home through minor adaptations that are specifically designed to assist with a service user’s individual situation, regarding health and mobility


Our holistic home assessment identifies where an individual struggles with their stability in the home through experienced support staff who mark up the areas that equipment should be fitted.

We arrange for a contractor to be in touch to fit the equipment securely in the home.

Our equipment is designed to allow an individual to navigate a specific area of the home with confidence.

Who qualifies?

Anyone aged 18 years and over and meet at least one of the criteria from Group A and one from Group B.

Group A

  • To prevent admission to hospital/care home
  • To prevent the need for an existing care package to be increased
  • To enable hospital discharge (if yes, no need to complete Group B).

Group B

  • Risk of falls where there is evidence of previous recurrent falls
  • Inability of a person to use the toilet
  • Impact of rapidly deteriorating health conditions
  • Impact of an end of life health condition.

Our equipment includes:

Grab rails for external doors to assist with navigating high doorsteps and providing support when entering and leaving the home

Mopstick rails for the banister to provide support with using the stairs

Longer rails that can be fitted to the landing wall – used by individuals that need extra support with navigating other areas of the home at night

Bathing aids for an easier and safer process of bathing and using the shower, e.g.

Bath board to avoid slipping and falling in the bath/shower

Bath step to provide a comfortable transfer in and out of the shower

Bath seat for extra support and to provide stability when washing oneself in the bath

Support when using the toilet, e.g.

Free standing toilet frame for anyone who struggles with mobility to use the toilet comfortably

Raised toilet seat for people with specific mobility needs that require a safer height to prevent any slips or misses

Our Impact

3,981 were using more of the home following our interventions  between 2018 and 2021

4,222 had an improved sense of wellbeing

4,971 had improved their level of confidence and control

How to keep your home space

Remove any clutter, such as trailing wires, objects that will cause obstruction to walkways and loose rugs that can cause trips

Ensure that footwear worn around the home fit well and offer good support through strong soles and secure straps

Staying hydrated will prevent confusion, loss of concentration and delirium, which will lead to a loss of balance

Simple but effective strength and balance exercises can improve your ability to hold yourself up and avoid falls

Contact the local pharmacy for any problems with the current medication you are taking and see about getting a Medicine Usage Review

Long-term health conditions, such as dementia, can impact the ability to navigate the home well. See our dementia guidance for further information

What our clients say

I have become increasingly unsteady on my feet in the shower due to arthritis, and the three rails which you have fitted are excellent and considerably reduce the risk of falling.”

What our Clients say…

“I would just like to say a big thank you to all concerned with the supply and fitting of hand rails in my bathroom and a banister on my staircase! Everything was done very well and without any mess, so I am very pleased.”

Managing long-term conditions through our Falls Service

An elderly lady who been struggling with poor mobility, arthritis and lymphoedema
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Restoring Independence

A lady in her 60s had been supported by Garforth NET and referred to us by a member of the team for a falls assessment.
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  • How much will grabrails and banisters cost me?

    The Falls Prevention Service is free to anyone aged 18 and over in Leeds, and meets the criteria set out above.

  • How can I reduce the risk of falls in the home?

    There are lots of ways that you can be more aware of falls in the home.

    Anything that trails, such as a wire or lead, can easily cause trips so it is important to remove these immediately if they are in the way.

    A loose rug, particularly at the bottom of the stairs, will cause trips and slips, so be mindful of where these are in the home.

    Loose floorboards can be very easy to miss, causing falls and sometimes a lot of injury when not dealt with. It is worth seeing whether you can repair this or getting a handyperson to carry this out safely. You may even be eligible for our free hazard repairs service here.

  • What do I do if a fall occurs?

    Planning ahead by making sure that the home environment offers comfortable support, such as pillows, cushions and rugs in case a fall occurs is important.

    In the event of a fall in the home, take your time to get yourself up to a sitting position. If you are a carer, it is preferable that you encourage the individual to get up themselves. Lifting them or managing this yourself should only be done as a last resort and after assessing that weight relationship, strength and fitness allows for this.

    If the fall is unexplained, get in touch with your GP to talk through your concerns.

  • Where can I have grab rails fitted?

    We visit you at home, listen to what you say and make an assessment, to find out what is needed and the best place to fit rails.

    Rails can be fitted anywhere in the home, usually in the bathroom/by the toilet, on the stairs and by internal and external doors.